So I was studying for a Chemistry test and was looking over reaction rates when I was trying to memorize the term "activation energy". The full definition straight from my textbook is
"The minimum energy that reactant molecules must possess for a reaction to be successful"
when trying to understand the definition, I realize how similar chemical reactions and humans act. For me at least, when I want to study it's hard to start studying and need mental willpower to start but once I start it's easier to start studying for hours. Like a curve where the hardest part of studying in the beginning. And the activation energy can be applied to studying too. It isn't easy to start studying and nobody said it was, it takes a bit of energy or willpower to actually start a reaction going you know? And this logic can be for anything, such as starting a workout routine or going on a diet. The hardest part is to actually start the thing, not the planning stage but the doing stage. and once you get over the beginning stage which can last seconds, minutes, days, weeks, depending on what you're doing, it will become easier. That is why in this post I want to motivate whoever is reading this to just START. it doesn't have to be studying for hours, but just starting and telling yourself to at least complete 5 minutes of studying. This is just something that helped me, and the "activation energy" is what helped me visualize my mental state.
This image from the internet shows what activation energy is. In terms of studying, I look at the y-axis as willpower instead of potential energy and leave the x-axis as progress or time. This shows that usually in the beginning you require a lot of willpower but once that is over the willpower needed to continue studying is significantly lower than at the start.